Cognitive Science

Investigate how the mind learns, 在我们的跨学科认知科学项目中思考和组织信息 


About This Program

  • 我们的认知科学项目提供了一门跨学科的课程,研究认知的本质, 基于这样一种信念,即没有任何一门学科能够对心灵给出全面而完整的解释. 
  • 你的课程将包括六个核心学科:人类学, Linguistics, Philosophy, Psychology, Neuroscience, and Computer Science. 
  • 你将研究诸如信念获得之类的心理现象, language development, and evolution of consciousness to name a few. 

At a Glance

Degree Awarded

  • Bachelor of Arts

Field Group

Cognitive Science

Program Type

Area of Study

Student Voices

“I was intrigued by cognitive science because it is so interdisciplinary; it explores the mind using philosophy, neuroscience, computer science, linguistics and anthropology. 我读了《推荐十大正规网赌网站》,立刻被它对认知和意识的全面探索所吸引.”

Grace Wood-Hull ’25

Cognitive Science major

Cognitive Science Program Details

View Course Catalog


入门课程(1学分):COGS 011 PZ[认知科学导论]或, with adviser and instructor permission, LGCS 011 PO [Introduction to Cognitive Science].

广度要求(6学分):根据学术顾问的建议, one course each from six of the following seven areas.

Philosophy of Mind: PHIL 030 JT   [Knowledge, Mind, & Existence]; PHIL 185N JT  [Topics in Neurophilosophy]; or an alternative Claremont Colleges course with adviser and instructor approval.

Biology, Neuropsychology, and Neuroscience: PSYC 101 PZ  [Brain and Behavior] or NEUR 095L JT  [Foundations of Neuroscience]; or an alternative Claremont Colleges course with adviser and instructor approval.

Computer Science: CSCI 004 PZ [Introduction to Computer Science]; or an alternative Claremont Colleges course with adviser and instructor approval.

Development and Evolution: COGS 123 PZ  [Minds & Machines];  PSYC 138 PZ [History and Science of Innateness]; PSYC 152 PZ  [Infancy];  PSYC 155 PZ  [Behavioral Epigenetics]; or an alternative Claremont Colleges course with adviser and instructor approval.

Linguistics and Psycholinguistics: LGCS 010 PZ  [Introduction to Linguistics];PSYC 127 PZ [Language and Cognition]; LGCS 115 PZ [Bilingualism]; or an alternative Claremont Colleges course with adviser and instructor approval.

Cognition and the Arts: PSYC 126 PZ  [Music Cognition]; PSYC 128 PZ  [Cognitive Film Studies]; PSYC 182 PZ  [Seminar in Psychology of Art]; or an alternative Claremont Colleges course with adviser and instructor approval.

Anthropology, Culture, and Society: ANTH 003 PZ  [Language, Culture, and Society]; ANTH 070 PZ  [Psychological Anthropology]; ANTH 075 [Cognitive Anthropology];  LGCS 110 PZ  [Language and Gender]; LGCS 112 PZ  [Language and Society]; LGCS 166 PZ [Topics in Sociolinguistics]; or an alternative Claremont Colleges course with adviser and instructor approval.

深度要求(4学分):根据学术顾问的建议, 从上述一个或两个领域中选择另外四门高级课程, normally including at least one methods course (e.g., experimental methods, field methods, 或工作室课程)和至少一个适合该专业的研讨会. With adviser and instructor permission, 荣誉考生可以将COGS 199 PZ[高级论文]的1个学分计入深度要求.

所有的主要要求必须以字母等级为基础. 通常情况下,11门主要课程中至少有7门将在Pitzer学习.


Find Your Adviser

For more information on major requirements, 通过访问认知科学领域小组页面联系您的学术顾问.

Cognitive Science Field Group

宣布主修认知科学的学生可能会被邀请提交一份高级荣誉论文的提案. 其他克莱蒙特学院的学生如果要求毕业论文作为基本要求,应该考虑波莫纳学院提供的认知科学专业, which includes a thesis program for all students.

修读认知科学和其他学科双学位的学生,在两套专业要求之间的重叠课程不得超过两门. 其他专业的附加规定也请查阅目录.

在大三春季学期,选出成绩保持在3分的学生.50 GPA overall, a 3.50 GPA in the major, 谁采取了适当的方法和写作密集课程可能会被邀请提交一份高级荣誉论文的建议. 那些被录取攻读荣誉论文的学生将在大四的一个或两个学期参加COGS 199 PZ[高级论文], in accordance with the recommendation of the thesis adviser. 完成优秀论文并保持要求GPA的学生将获得荣誉.

Cognitive Science Faculty

portrait of carmen fought

Carmen Fought

  • Professor of Linguistics
  • Linguistics Field Group
No profile image for Timothy Justus

Timothy Justus

  • Professor of Psychology and Cognitive Science
  • Psychology Field Group
  • Cognitive Science Field Group
Professor Brian Keeley

Brian L. Keeley

  • Professor of Philosophy
  • 认知科学,神经科学,哲学,科学,技术 & Society Field Groups
  • IRB Chair
portrait of Claudia Strauss

Claudia Strauss

  • Jean M. Pitzer Professor of Anthropology
  • Anthropology Field Group

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